FBCG Women


Our Grace Girl Stories

Provision During a Pandemic by Sharinita Hester – Sisters for Your Journey (SFYJ)

To say I am grateful is an understatement. My prayer was for a new job. Pastor Jenkins told me, “God has not forgotten about you, it’s just not your season.” My story highlights God’s plan to use my Sisters for Your Journey class to help me achieve my goal of becoming a teacher. For years I was challenged with test after test while waiting on God. I networked with professionals and applied for positions, but still, nothing worked out, because it was not yet my season.

On my journey, I’ve learned God writes the best thrillers. He will keep you on the edge of your seat while waiting for his next move. In 2020, he provided joy through the storm as I was faced with working daily in a grocery store during COVID-19.


The breakthrough came in November 2020. I interviewed and was hired for a part-time teaching position. The human resources partner contacted me and questioned whether I was interested in becoming a full-time teacher. Two weeks later, I interviewed and was hired to serve as a special education teacher. You see, Pastor was right — in my season God delivered on his promise.

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